Significant Ways for Stopping Dog Urine from Killing Your Lawn Grass

You may have noticed some parts of your grass in the yard having being burnt or dry and you are wondering how that happened. The secret is to be keen on where your dog pees. See whether it is the spot with the dried or burnt grass. The reason why this is happening is simply because the urine of the dog contains come nitrogen that is known for killing grass when there are some concentrated amounts collecting with time. It is good to note that your yard will remain with small amounts of fertilizer but an excess of it will kill your lawn. It is important to get rid of those yellow patches that are left by your furry friend after peeing on a spot. There are different methods that you can apply to stop those yellow pee spots of dog pee on your lawn. Outlined below are some of the key ways for stopping your furry friend from damaging your yard with urine.

The first tip for stopping your dog from leaving yellow spots in your yard because of its urine is by training him to pee somewhere else. You need to teach your dog to pee in an area that is free of grass. The best places that you need to train them to go for the toilet are on the soil beds, sand, gravel or tanbark. You can also encourage your dog to pee in a specific area of grass that you would prefer he uses. The best thing to do when training your dog to pee in a certain area is to go out with him whenever the call comes. It is also good to spray the area they are used to go for a toilet so that you can prevent him from weeing in that spot. This a time-consuming method so if you have limited time to do this, the best thing that you need to do is to mark the pee posts in the yard with aim of encouraging them to wee in that particular place you want them to. You need to put at the pee posts some alluring pheromones. This is a stick that is yellow in color that the dog sniffs at making them to wee in that exact spot all through.

You need also to invest in buying your dog a pet loo. This is a small patch of grass that is shaped square where your dog pees. This is an alternative that is economic if you have a big lawn in your yard. It is easy to maintain and to install this pet loo. It helps to keep bad odors off so it won’t make your house to be stinky if there is no other option than keeping it inside your house. Another good thing about a pet loo is that they come in different sizes to suit different homes as well as the breed of dogs. It is an easy thing to train your dog to use the pet loo because of the realistic look and impression of the on top grass.

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