The Top Five Holiday-Inspired Movies to Help You Fight Writers Block
If you ever want to know how tough the writers world can get, ask any writer about a writers block. The writers block affects all writers and not necessarily fiction writers as many have been misled to believe. From professional bloggers to fiction writers, content creators and all else in between they are prone to having this feeling at some point in their career. Be advised that this is a serious feeling that can have serious ramifications in a writers life, reason enough to take it seriously. But the good news is there are ways you can fight this writers block and get your writer mojo back on track. How about you explore the following holiday movies.
To get you started you might want to explore what the Friday after the Next movie sequel has in store for you. This is a story that features Craig and Day Day who have to duck and dodge the bad guys for them to survive. Ice Cube plays Craig, and Mike Epps plays Day Day, the duo that is sure to crack your rib and usher you into the holiday fun and spirit.
Die Hard is the other holiday movie you might want to have a closer look at to get you back into your career within no time. There has been lots of debate on whether or not Die Hard should be classed as a holiday movie. If the newly released trailer is anything to go by, you have every reason to consider this movie. You can bet Bruce Willis who acts as John McClane will have you back on track within no time.
The National Lampoons Christmas Vacation movie is yet another classic that has been featured in every top-rated movie review website. Its a movie loved by many as Clark and His family portray a dysfunctional family that will leave you not just laughing but appreciating the family that you have. Among many other things this movie will do is to inspire you to stay focused and positive no matter how tough things might get.
Movie star Will Ferrell also has something for you in the name of Elf for your holiday-inspired list of movies to check out. The movie brings together innocent humor coupled with the Christmas spirit to have a wonderful creation that will make you value and cherish the holidays and the family unit in general. The Classic and much-loved home alone movie is certainly something worth every minute of your time as a writer. You can bet this movie will get your motivation very high especially when you feel the whole world is against you.