Importance of Having a Death Certificate
The main purpose of a death certificate is to prove that someone is dead. However after losing one for your close people you have to make sure that you have a death certificate. There are those people who are not aware of the main reason as to why you have to apply for a death certificate. The the main purpose of this section is to introduce you to the benefits of having a death certificate.
One of the reasons as to why you need a death certificate is to be able to close financial matters. Closing the matters that are registered using the deceased name will need to you to make sure that you have a death certificate. A large percentage of the deceased will have investment accounts. The accounts should be closed immediately the person dies. A the death certificate is important in the process of closing an investment account.
Among the importance of having a death certificate of the deceased is to be able to resolve the personal estate. In a situation where the dead person had an estate the beneficiaries will need to share it. For a lawyer to help you share the deceased’s estate you must make sure that you have a death certificate.
One of the benefits that you will enjoy in having a death certificate is that it will be easy for you to remarry. However if you are in s situation where the husband has died you will have to get married. After marrying each other you will be given a marriage certificate to prove that. When marrying you should have permission from the law and they cannot allow you to get married without the death certificate of the dead person. The death certificate is a proof of that your marriage ended as are a result of dead.
Another a key reason for you to have death certificate is to be able to conduct a funeral. It is necessary to ensure that you have a license when conducting funeral arrangements. When transporting the dead body from the mortuary to where you are supposed to bury it you should have a dead certificate.
Another the benefit of having a death certificate is that it will enable you to collect the pension benefit. It is easy to collect the pension benefit if the person is alive. The process of collecting the pension benefits of the deceased person will require you to ensure that you have the death certificate of the deceased. In a case where you are not are of the pension certificate right the company will help you and also tell you how long it will take .
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