What is New about Millennial Caregivers?
Today the word millennial has tailed with a negative connotation. Today, people who feel in the age bracket of the so-called millennial generation are generally dubbed as people with lazy tendencies and confusing and lost personalities. In a collective though, this overview of what a so-called millennial looks like is true regardless of the age and generation they belong in but due to the current state of mind people currently have.
In reality thought, even if you picture the millennial as teenagers in the hype of youth, these so-called millennial people are generation of overworked individuals in their near 30s. No, they are not teens unlike how the mainstream media portrays them. They are consisted of young adults and adults in their mid-20s towards their early 30s. These are people who toss responsibilities after responsibilities due to the high demand of the society they belong in.
These are what you called as the torn and confused generation- the millennial. Millennial are generation of confused people as they grow up during the great transition. They grew up in the simple and raw lifestyle of the 90s towards the gradual and drastic change that happens from play station towards android phones and wireless connections. They have seen it all and they are there when things begin to adapt and readjust due to the ongoing change.
It is necessary to understand where the millennial generation is coming from. In the field of caregiving, an issue pertaining to the effective and competence of people that feel in the millennial bracket has arisen. They worry about the future of caregiver career because they see the current generation unfit to render care and assistance towards other people. While the decline in human affection nowadays is true and evident the millennial caregivers shouldn’t be generalized according to it.
In fact, in many studies, these so-called millennial caregivers can be as effective and even more competent in providing quick and genuine care assistance to people in need. All of this is due to the fact that millennial caregivers are highly tech-people. And though they are now acquainted and skilled in handling devices and technology the background of growing in simple ways in their younger years will add genuine compassion in their description. There is nothing to worry though it is advisable to make some amendment in the current trend in care giving.
Understanding should be given to the so-called millennial caregivers of today. Generalizing millennial people as lazy and competent individuals will only raise doubt and more worry to the concerned public of care giving recipients. Instead of being stuck in identifying the weaknesses that are found in the current state of the new generation of caregivers, an act or action should be done in order to cater and address the difficulties they face as millennial caregiver who probably juggling up about two to three jobs every day.
There is much to learn about the newest generation of caregivers rather than pointing out what can be worried over. There is hope and potential if you we maximize the advantage of a millennial caregiver instead of downsizing them according to their generation bracket.