What Texas Car Accidents Laws You Must be Aware of

When you want to be a good driver, then such means that you should understand that there is really a possibility of becoming involved in a car accident. Those car accidents may cause you losses and inconvenience depending on how serious such accident is.

When it comes to the car accident laws in the different states in the US, they vary. Realize that Texas is one non-at-all-fault-state and with this, it would mean that there is still possibility for you to be financially responsible for the occurrence of such accident. So that you will be prepared in the event that there is an accident that takes place, then it is quite important that you know the Texas car accident laws.

The statute of limitations is a law which would set the time limit rights when it comes to filing a lawsuit in civil court. The deadline given would differ on the injuries’ severity or the nature of the claim which you are going to submit. So many Texas car accident lawsuits would demand that you file the claims in just two years from the date of the crash.

Also, you have to know that in Texas, such statute of limitation countdown would start during the day of the crash. When you are able to find that there is injury following the accident, through the attorney’s help, then the court can mark such countdown clock during that date of discovery.

With the Texas car accident laws, you have to know the court may actually pause such statute of limitation when there is wrongful death or the person dies as a result of the accident. The regulations would also provide a time limit of two years from such person’s death and not on the date of the crash.

You must also be aware that in the Texas auto car accident laws, if such driver would be found to be at fault for such car crash, then one should provide a compensation by using the other party’s insurance. The compensation would actually have to include the damages done to the vehicle, the lost wages, medical bills and other losses incurred.

However, Texas would stick to such modified comparative fault rule. You need to know that such rule is applied if the two parties share blame for the accident. The awarded damages of such plaintiff could be reduced by the percentage that is equivalent to one’s share of fault. When it has been found out that you were 10 percent responsible and the other driver is 90 percent responsible for the crash, then you will only get the 90 percent of calculated damages.