The headline might be something like: ABC Clothing Stores has 175 comfy coats in all sizes available in 20 different colors with prices ranging from .00 to 0.00. Then you could move on to the copy of the ad and tell them about the benefits of your merchandise. Again, communicate selection and end it with an offer, bonus and guarantee.

The standard logo design rates are based on two major components, company size and application or distribution size. The majority of logo designs created over the internet are created for small companies and individuals with limited application and distribution uses. Fortune 500 companies normally pay much higher logo design rates and use advertising agencies.

Will discounting your product or service damage the integrity of your prices? Will people just wait for your next coupon and not bother to pay full price?

I joined Satyam as head of corporate communications on August 16.The next day I got a call from Economic Times asking me for a comment on a story that they were running about a check bouncing case against Satyam. This troubled me as i had never experienced anything like that in the past. I just mumbled that there was no truth in that story.

For home use and some print jobs you will need TIFF and BMP files. These are pixel files and should have a DPI (dots per inch) of at least 300 dpi. 600-1200 dpi is best for professional printing. These type of files lose their detail when enlarged but can be reduced.

First, that it was not that hard to hypnotize people without them knowing and second, there were a lot more situations where being able to hypnotize people could really work to my advantage. Making money doing this kind of stuff had already crossed my mind.

Lesson #3 – Change the process to win. I am watching out the window as people scurry on the streets. The whole world is moving faster today; the Internet, news, businesses and people in general moving faster and faster.