How to Differentiate Between Good and Bad Fat.

A research done has shown 40{7e878bac634d7d75cb718568d0089036a5a45bc5b1ad98756ac0b159d5a0614a} of Americans are obese, this is a worrying trend. Fat has been associated with the large number of obese cases. There are 2 categories of fat, the bad and the good. This article, focuses on the discussion between good and bad fat.

For fear of avoiding to add weight, most people avoid taking fat. They are trying as much as possible to eat low fat foods. Good fat is essential for our bodies to function, just like carbohydrates and proteins.

As a source of energy, our bodies need dietary fat. Our bodies store body fat, which most people confuse with dietary fat. Good cholesterol fat and dietary fat are needed by our bodies.

To keep your body healthy, you will need to eat both polyunsaturated and monosaturated, which are the good fats. The good fats are important in preventing atherosclerosis.

Did you know avocado oil, peanut butter and olives and good sources of monosaturated fats? Olives, peanut and sesame are also good sources of monosaturated oil.

Did you know walnuts, flaxseeds, fatty fish and soybean oil are great sources of polyunsaturated fats? Consider taking seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower and sesame for polyunsaturated fats.

It is important you eat healthy fats in moderation, this will ensure you energy levels are high always and you don’t have to worry about the scale going up. Go to Kegenix and get more information about healthy oils and fats.

People who consume unhealthy fats are at a high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, due to the high cholesterol levels.

Some of the effects of consuming trans-fat are, increasing your cholesterol level and lowering the good cholesterol, for this reason it is considered to be one of worst bad fats. Trans-fat is found in meat and dairy, for this reason it is almost impossible to eliminate it completely. Most food that people consider delicious contain trans-fat, such as baked goods like pizza, cookies, cakes and many more. It is also found in snacks such as chips and microwave popcorn. Vegetable oil and fried food also contain trans-fat.

Another category of bad fat is saturated fat, although it is considered better than trans-fat. The saturated fat make the bad cholesterol increase but it will not decrease the good cholesterol. When consuming the saturated fat, moderation is key.

Saturated fat can be found in red meat, coconut oil, butter, ice cream and many more. Since it is not possible to completely eliminate the saturated fat, consuming them once in a while is okay.

After reading this article, it will be easier for you to make better decisions when it comes to bad and good fats. In our blog you can find great recipes.

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